Good Masters! Sweet Ladies! : Voices from a Medieval Village by Laura Amy Schlitz
This book is about the lives of teens that live in an imaginary medieval village in England, in the year 1255. The book contains twenty-one miniature plays: nineteen monologues and two dialogues. The plays describe the struggles of the villagers and what one had to do in order to survive. From Taggot, the blacksmith's daughter, to Simon, the knight's son, and to Pier's, the glass blower's apprentice, each character is brought to life with their own unique story. The book contains an illustrative map of the village. In the map it shows the characters name and in what part of the village they live. Each set of plays contains a background explaining how their system worked back then. Also, each play contains side notes explaining the characters occupation and their situation. This is a beautifully written book that I would highly recommend to middle and upper grade students. It could also be used as an introduction to poetry or to a history class that is studying about medieval times. The language is easy to read and not hard to understand what their message is. The illustrations depict how works of art looked at that time, are colorful, and have great detail.
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